The aim of the Social Team is to establish relationships with individuals, families, and communities by helping to meet physical, educational, and emotional needs through three main programs: Health Advocacy, Chaya Training, and the 12 Values Program,
Advocacy for Health Care
One of the ways we build relationships with people in the villages is by assisting people who need medical care, but cannot access the treatment themselves. The Social Team has helped several families through this medical mentoring program. We assist by providing transportation to the hospitals or clinics, provide basic education about the health care and medical insurance system, and encourage patients to ask questions to their doctors about their conditions and treatment options.
All smiles for their new prosthetic legs.
Distributing chaya in the village.
The Social Team also leads an educational program on the nutritional benefit of eating a leafy green plant called Chaya. The training involves comparisons of the nutritional values of this plant verses other local vegetation, a cooking demonstration, and planting instructions. Each participant is given several Chaya sticks to take home and plant for themselves. This program assists individuals, families, and communities to become more aware of the existence of this plant, the ease of growing it, and the simple methods of incorporating this vegetable into their daily diet in order to improve their health.
12 Values Program - Character Education
The Social Team has taught the 12 Values Program and English lessons to the children in three communities in Lombok. The goal of the program is to provide education that promotes peace between different ethnic groups, religions, genders, and socio-economic groups, while also seeking to develop positive self-esteem and valuing oneself as a unique individual. The program is focused on elementary and middle school-aged students. The Social Team uses music, dancing, dramas, and games to help engage the students in the lessons. Following each session, the Social Team also teaches a brief English language lesson.