The Access Life Lombok Water Team completed a water project in the village of Buwun Mas in 2018. This was a successful spring development project that included the construction of a spring box, 900 meters of water pipe, and the construction of a 17,000 liter water tank in the center of the village. Months after completing this project, we were asked to survey another water project approximately 1 kilometer east of this project.
The “Buwun Mas 2 Project” was proposed to help a group of homes that were not able to access water from the original Buwun Mas project. This community already had access to a spring that is located approximately 300 meters above the group of houses. However, they were using a garden hose to get water from the spring to a water tank that was built near the homes. Because of the heat, the hose had flattened and was limiting the flow of water. Our team came in and worked with the community to install another 300 meters of water pipe for this group of homes.